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Balancing Project Changes Part VII
May 28 2024 CEST

ear Tibians,

With the last iteration of our balancing project we aim to address your feedback regarding previously buffed hunting grounds as well as to improve some hunting grounds that were requested the most.

Oramond Mountain Hideout

  • Increased monster density on minotaur floor

Falcon Bastion

  • Increased monster density underground

Falcon knight

  • Increased experience: 5,985 -> 6,300 XP

Falcon paladin

  • Increased experience: 6,544 -> 6,900 XP

Gnomegate Magma Dungeon

  • Increased monster density

Magma crawler

  • Increased experience: 3,900 -> 4,250 XP
  • Reduced probability of invisibility
  • Reduced probability of retargeting

Grounds of Undeath

  • Increased respawn rate on lowest floor
  • Increased monster density


  • No longer applies drunken
  • Reduced probability of speed debuff

Grounds of Fire

  • Replaced grimeleech with vexclaw

Grounds of Despair

  • On the lowest floor, we added a passage.

Hand of cursed fate

  • Increased energy sensitivity: 0 -> 95
  • Reduced mana drain damage


  • Increased monster density

Formorgar Mines

  • Increased monster density

Bounacean Lions

Crypt warrior

  • Increased experience: 5,500 -> 6,050 XP

Monster Graveyard

  • Reduced damage spikes
  • Reduced DPS in melee range

Sulphur spouter

  • Increased fire sensitivity: 0 -> 75

Gloom Pillars

  • Reduced holy DPS
  • Shifted part of holy damage to fire damage

With these changes, this balancing project comes to an end. Again, we would like to thank you all for participating in the survey and submitting your valuable feedback here in the forum.

A lot of hunting grounds have changed during the last two months and some of the adjusted areas have risen in popularity quite considerably. The graph on the left side shows how much the time in combat of each hunting ground has changed up until last week in comparison to its previous state.

Of course, you can expect to see more balancing changes (buffs and nerfs) in the future but the format of these changes has not been decided yet. Until then, we are looking forward to hear your opinions on the new hunting grounds of this year's summer update once the test server opens.

Happy hunting,

Shazaya and Ilyndor