Welcome to TibiaVIP!

Stealing Passwords
Jan 25 2001 CEST
rocessing e-mails, we received several complaints about players trying to steal passwords or even succeeding.

Sometimes they pretend to be a member of CIP or a gamemaster. They claim that they need the password in order to fix some bug. This is nonsense, as gamemasters cannot fix bugs and we, the CIP team, have access to all player data including the passwords. So, DO NOT TELL ANYBODY YOUR PASSWORD!

In other cases, players offer to send someone items if they changed the e-mail address in their player data. This is absolutely nonsense. How should they send Tibia items to reallife e-mail addresses?!?! Instead, they have the password sent to them using the Lost Account Interface. So, enter your own correct e-mail address AND DO NOT EVER CHANGE IT!

Be careful with your password.
Note that it is not possible to get your password back if somebody else has it!
If you see anybody trying to fool other players, please report this to the gamemasters to banish this player from the game.

Beware of hackers!
Your CIP Team