Welcome to TibiaVIP!

Account Update
Jul 21 2001 CEST
rom now on, you need an account to play Tibia. Create an account by accepting our licence agreement and entering a valid email address. You will get a secret account number which you should write down. Then you can download the new client and wait for the email where you will find the password for your account. Now login to your account. You can access the account page anywhere on the website by clicking on "My Account" on the left side of the screen. On the account page you can create new characters and assign characters you had before the update (note: there was no character wipe). Only characters assigned to an account may enter the game.

Furthermore you should note the following points:
  • Each account may contain up to 10 characters.
  • Assign all your characters to your account.
  • CIP will not and gamemasters cannot move characters between accounts.
  • Do not trade or borrow characters to other players. Also never accept or buy any characters or accounts.
  • Create only one account because if you decide to use the upcoming Premium Accounts, you will have to pay per account. Note, that Tibia still can be played for free!
  • There is only one password for the account and all characters in it.
  • No one can see your account number and you must not tell it to anyone. Also understand that you cannot change your account number.
  • A lost account number or password can be received via email but notboth at once.
  • For each account there can be only one character online at the same time.

  • Finally there is a new manual page about the account system.

    Have fun in Tibia!
    Your CIP Team