This year's convention is divided into two parts. Part 1 is called "A week in Vienna" where you get to know other Tibia players while experiencing the beautiful capital of Austria, guided by the organisation team. Part 2 is similiar to the former conventions. A whole "farm" is booked to provide enough space for the Tibian community.
The convention is organised by Buffy, Hagbard, Held, Octavian, Redbeard and Trymon (registered society "Verein der Freunde des Internetspieles TIBIA ?sterreich"). Thank you for your efforts! CipSoft GmbH has no responsibility for whatsoever may happen at the convention.
For more information and a registration form visit the convention page. If you have questions or comments concerning the convention just visit the convention board.
We are looking forward to meet you there!
Your CipSoft Team