Welcome to TibiaVIP!

Non-PvP Game World Secura
Nov 04 2002 CEST
oday we have launched a new game world - Secura which is a "Non-PvP world". This means that all actions by which a player can harm another player will be prevented by the server:

  • Fighting: Selecting peaceful creatures, i.e., players and summoned or convinced creatures, for attacking is not possible.
  • Magic: It is not possible to shoot aggressive runes at peaceful creatures. Moreover, explosions caused by peaceful creatures will not harm other peaceful creatures.
  • Fields: Peaceful creatures will create a special kind of magic fields which do not harm peaceful creatures and vanish rather quickly.
  • Bear Traps: They do not harm peaceful creatures.

  • Note that the Tibia Rules apply to all worlds - PvP and Non-PVP. Violations will be punished accordingly!

    Like last time, we have limited the world to 200 premium players in order to avoid an overcrowded Rookgaard. With players leaving towards the continent, we will increase this limit step by step and also admit players with free accounts during the next days.

    There have been some more changes which affect both types of worlds:

  • NPCs: As you might know, some NPCs can heal wounded players. From now on they can help you even if they are talking with someone else. Just address them with "heal". Furthermore there are now waiting queues for most NPCs. If you say "hello" while an NPCs is talking, you will be queued and can talk to the NPC as soon he/she is ready.Moreover, there are timeouts. If the dialog partner of an NPC doesn't say anything for 30 seconds, the NPC will end the conversation.
  • Protection Zone Block: Players are not allowed to enter a protection zone for 60 seconds after any kind of aggressive action, i.e., attacking other players, shooting runes, or casting aggressive spells.

  • Have much fun!
    The CipSoft Team