Welcome to TibiaVIP!

News About Our Current Work
Nov 15 2002 CEST
oday we have raised the player limit of Antica, Amera, and Libera by 50 players. New players should prefer the newer game worlds like Libera or Secura. The next new game world, which we may set up in about three weeks, will be a free and normal world (like Nova) running on a server at our provider in Germany. Further we have planed to upgrade the website server.

Due to network maintenance work at our provider in the USA, there may be lag, freezes and random disconnects on Amera and Libera on Friday, November 15th, between 3:00 and 6:00 pm CET. Please play very carefully during this time and do not enter any dangerous places.

The delay for using runes has been temporarily lowered a bit until we implement the final solution in the next bigger update in a few weeks. This update will offer several other new features like a new town to the east of Kazordoon with some new hunting grounds for all players, new items with some surprises for you, and some improvements on Rookgaard. Another point of the update will be improvements concerning the player killing problem. Meanwhile we work on a small client patch to do some bugfixes.

Finally we have four new gamemasters to watch and help you in the game. Please welcome Brathon De'Var, Faerwynn, Indira and Miss Liisa.

Have fun in Tibia!
Your CipSoft Team