Welcome to TibiaVIP!

Internet Attack and Some Other News
Jan 25 2003 CEST
oday a computer worm slowed down large parts of the internet including our providers. Therefore you could not access the Tibia website and the game worlds for some hours. You can read more about this e.g. at CNN.com. We are sorry for the inconvenience but this incident is beyond our control.

On weekends, the capacity of all servers is reached and it is again time to upgrade them to handle the still growing interest in Tibia. Therefore we will exchange some servers at our US provider and at our German provider in the course of the next days.

There have been some changes in the gamemaster team in the last days. Most important, three new gamemasters have been added. Further improvements in the support team and more information for you in the manual and the FAQ will follow in the next time.

After the redesign of the forum, we want to remind you of the general purpose of it. The forum is a place where you can communicate with other players outside the game. Please stick to the topic of each board and respect the Tibia Rules and thus the other players in your postings. Besides discussing subjects with other players, you can ask for help in the support section. Please understand that we cannot answer your requests in the forum personally but the moderators and counsellors will gladly assist you. Finally note that we will remove the old Boards Section in our forum next week.

Have a nice weekend!
Your CipSoft Team