Welcome to TibiaVIP!

Tibia Is Back!
Feb 04 2003 CEST
n Saturday, February 1st, at about 9:30 pm CET a denial of service attack was launched upon our servers. This attack was so fierce that the complete network of our provider was offline for about three hours affecting some hundred customers. When it became clear that the attack was aimed at us, our provider switched off our servers to prevent more damage for all other customers. Luckily, our hardware and all data remained safe.

The total damage caused is still unknown but easily exceeds 100,000.- USD. Therefore our provider has already reported the attack to the police and investigations have been started. All log files that identify the responsible person, who lives in Brasil, have been submitted to the police.

Now, three days later we are almost back to normal and the game servers are online again. All Premium Accounts have been extended by 4 days to compensate for their lost premium time. We are very sorry for the inconvenience and thank all players for their patience.

Have fun in Tibia!
Your CipSoft Team