Guild Information
Name Wrath
World Gladera
Founded Jan 29 2023
Members/Online 34 (10 online)
Guild House Rathleton Hills Estate

The wrath It signals us that something potentially harmful is happening and mobilizes us to action, prepares us to get moving towards eliminating the source of the obstacle.
Never let a bad situation bring out the worst in you. Choose to stay positive and be the strong person that God created you to be.

34 members found.


Members 34
Total level 30,686
Average level 903
Max. Level 1627
Min. Level 73
Oldest Member Art of Love (Jan 29 2023)

Top Members

Master Sorcerer Leandrin Baguncinha 1443
Elder Druid Bilokasz 1627
Elite Knight Emiel 1037
Paladin Real Toxic 1263
Royal Paladin Larri 1277


Royal Paladin 10 (29.41%)
Elite Knight 9 (26.47%)
Master Sorcerer 7 (20.59%)
Elder Druid 7 (20.59%)
Paladin 1 (2.94%)
Sorcerer 0 (0%)
Druid 0 (0%)
Knight 0 (0%)
None 0 (0%)

Grouped Vocations

Paladin 11 (32.35%)
Knight 9 (26.47%)
Druid 7 (20.59%)
Sorcerer 7 (20.59%)

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