Golden Dawn
Guild Information
Name Golden Dawn
Golden Dawn
World Antica
Founded Nov 08 2021
Members/Online 16 (0 online)
Guild House Darashia, Eastern Guildhall

We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, our barracks will fight and will never go back for a golden dawn coming with all glory and might.

16 members found.


Members 16
Total level 2,100
Average level 131
Max. Level 474
Min. Level 8
Oldest Member Caterin (Nov 08 2021)

Top Members

Druid Vakar Lowi 99
Elder Druid Demonasis 100
Knight Valan Natar 101
Elite Knight Teenobok 474
Paladin Chorisa 154
Royal Paladin Caterin 464


Elder Druid 5 (31.25%)
Royal Paladin 3 (18.75%)
Elite Knight 3 (18.75%)
Druid 2 (12.5%)
Paladin 2 (12.5%)
Knight 1 (6.25%)
Sorcerer 0 (0%)
Master Sorcerer 0 (0%)
None 0 (0%)

Grouped Vocations

Druid 7 (43.75%)
Paladin 5 (31.25%)
Knight 4 (25%)
Sorcerer 0 (0%)

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