Friend Zone
Guild Information
Name Friend Zone
Friend Zone
World Xyla
Founded Sep 09 2024
Members/Online 12 (1 online)
Guild House Dark Mansion

This Guild is a community created only for English speaking players. If you know how to speak English and want to actively communicate with us and improve, you can contact us privately.

12 members found.


Members 12
Total level 4,607
Average level 384
Max. Level 1120
Min. Level 22
Oldest Member Elite Efe (Sep 09 2024)

Top Members

Master Sorcerer Cruserox 22
Elder Druid King Saraya 637
Elite Knight Elite Efe 697
Paladin Flimsy Storoliten 25
Royal Paladin Paulink Sembolts 1120


Elite Knight 7 (58.33%)
Royal Paladin 2 (16.67%)
Master Sorcerer 1 (8.33%)
Paladin 1 (8.33%)
Elder Druid 1 (8.33%)
Sorcerer 0 (0%)
Druid 0 (0%)
Knight 0 (0%)
None 0 (0%)

Grouped Vocations

Knight 7 (58.33%)
Paladin 3 (25%)
Druid 1 (8.33%)
Sorcerer 1 (8.33%)

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