Guild Information
Name Delyriumz
World Astera
Founded Dec 20 2019
Members/Online 20 (2 online)
Guild House Sky Lane, Guild 1

You wanna know how I got these scars?
My father was a drinker and a fiend.
And one night,
he goes off crazier than usual.
Mommy gets the kitchen knife
to defend herself.
He doesn't like that...
...not one bit.
So, me watching...
...he takes the knife to her,
laughing while he does it.
He turns to me and he says:
"Why so serious?"
He comes at me with the knife.
"Why so serious Son?"
He sticks the blade in my mouth.
"Let's put a smile on that face."
Why so serious?

20 members found.


Members 20
Total level 12,176
Average level 609
Max. Level 1349
Min. Level 71
Oldest Member Gian Shan (Dec 20 2019)

Top Members

Sorcerer Barrabatz 573
Master Sorcerer Et Er 1229
Elder Druid Mazter Chiief 1111
Elite Knight Elmari the soullessone 654
Royal Paladin King of Gentlemen 1349


Elite Knight 5 (25%)
Master Sorcerer 5 (25%)
Royal Paladin 5 (25%)
Elder Druid 4 (20%)
Sorcerer 1 (5%)
Druid 0 (0%)
Knight 0 (0%)
Paladin 0 (0%)
None 0 (0%)

Grouped Vocations

Sorcerer 6 (30%)
Knight 5 (25%)
Paladin 5 (25%)
Druid 4 (20%)

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