Beautiful People
Guild Information
Name Beautiful People
Beautiful People
World Nevia
Founded Sep 29 2019
Members/Online 114 (8 online)
Guild House Bronze Brothers Bastion

Former Concordian / Oliman guild.
We’re Beautiful People; come kick back and relax. We offer an environment where people can forget about the not-so-happy aspects in life.
We try to make an inner community that can trust one another while we try make an impact on the Nevian community as well; we want to permeate the server with a beautiful aroma - one that will make you grin.
We are an English-speaking guild. We are a neutral guild.

114 members found.


Members 114
Total level 43,586
Average level 382
Max. Level 1178
Min. Level 21
Oldest Member Amanda Hugginkiss (Sep 29 2019)

Top Members

Sorcerer Aflexus 421
Master Sorcerer Sir Kekumber 917
Druid Flex Onix 542
Elder Druid Mahlaaki 816
Knight Dethanatos 591
Elite Knight Kafkacoli 1034
Paladin Shift up 303
Royal Paladin Kreatynowy Monster 1178


Royal Paladin 35 (30.7%)
Elite Knight 28 (24.56%)
Elder Druid 21 (18.42%)
Master Sorcerer 13 (11.4%)
Knight 7 (6.14%)
Sorcerer 5 (4.39%)
Paladin 3 (2.63%)
Druid 2 (1.75%)
None 0 (0%)

Grouped Vocations

Paladin 38 (33.33%)
Knight 35 (30.7%)
Druid 23 (20.18%)
Sorcerer 18 (15.79%)

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