Ashes Remain
Guild Information
Name Ashes Remain
Ashes Remain
World Nefera
Founded Apr 18 2019
Members/Online 426 (22 online)

Welcome to Ashes Remain! We're the best and most active community in Nefera. If you'd like to apply to the guild, message one of the vice leaders in-game for a short interview. Apart from that, recruitment is closed right now. We're not here for drama, but we do want you to be active in our community, and most of all, in our discord. If you're part of us, be nice, active and talkative!

426 members found.


Members 426
Total level 245,660
Average level 577
Max. Level 2368
Min. Level 8
Oldest Member Gwalla of Knightmare (Apr 18 2019)

Top Members

Sorcerer Mossy Mo 1068
Master Sorcerer Ascended Tempest 1989
Druid Primerliz 984
Elder Druid Acolyte Tempest 2368
Knight Abrasive Yeti 1024
Elite Knight Gabrielito 1327
Paladin Ziibuya 864
Royal Paladin Wrath Tempest 2158


Royal Paladin 109 (25.59%)
Elite Knight 106 (24.88%)
Elder Druid 83 (19.48%)
Master Sorcerer 50 (11.74%)
Knight 33 (7.75%)
Paladin 20 (4.69%)
Sorcerer 13 (3.05%)
Druid 12 (2.82%)
None 0 (0%)

Grouped Vocations

Knight 139 (32.63%)
Paladin 129 (30.28%)
Druid 95 (22.3%)
Sorcerer 63 (14.79%)

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