Character Information
Name Tricroree
Title None (5 titles unlocked)
Sex male
Vocation Master Sorcerer
Level 240
Achievements 9
World Antica
Residence Ab'Dendriel
Guild Warrior of the Familly
Last Login Jul 04 2024, 01:24:23 CEST
Account Status Premium Account

Master Sorcerer
Tricroree was promoted to vocation Master Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree was promoted to vocation Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree transferred to the world Antica
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree advanced to level 240
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree advanced to level 229
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree advanced to level 211
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree advanced to level 200
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree was promoted to vocation Master Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree advanced to level 196
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree advanced to level 185
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree advanced to level 174
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree was promoted to vocation Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree advanced to level 142
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree advanced to level 128
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree was promoted to vocation Master Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Tricroree advanced to level 122

Past Week
Past Month
30 Jun 2024
27 Jun 2024
22 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024
16 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024
10 Jun 2024
29 May 2024
28 May 2024
Level Date Hour WeekDay
240 04 Jun 2020 CEST 17:55 Thursday
229 31 May 2020 CEST 17:00 Sunday
211 29 May 2020 CEST 13:00 Friday
200 11 May 2020 CEST 12:55 Monday
196 15 Apr 2020 CEST 15:00 Wednesday
185 11 Apr 2020 CEST 10:35 Saturday
174 11 Apr 2020 CEST 10:25 Saturday
142 11 Apr 2020 CEST 08:00 Saturday
128 06 Apr 2020 CEST 21:15 Monday
122 06 Apr 2020 CEST 21:10 Monday
From To Date Hour WeekDay
Tortura Antica 04 Jun 2020 CEST 17:55 Thursday

No name change found.
Date Death
Jun 20 2024, 22:38:13 CEST Killed at Level 240 by Pkayokay, Warrior Thee and Lua Retroking.

No auctions found.