offlineSaimon Morderca
Character Information
Name Saimon Morderca
Title None (4 titles unlocked)
Sex male
Vocation Elder Druid
Level 82
Achievements 7
World Antica
Residence Thais
Last Login Mar 06 2024, 20:27:55 CET
Account Status Premium Account
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Elder Druid
Saimon Morderca was promoted to vocation Elder Druid
Elder Druid
Saimon Morderca downgraded to level 82
Elder Druid
Saimon Morderca was promoted to vocation Druid

Past Week
Past Month
Level Date Hour WeekDay
82 02 Oct 2022 CEST 00:10 Sunday

No world transfer found.

No name change found.
Date Death
Mar 05 2024, 22:35:19 CET Killed at Level 82 by Lubojo Nitros, Glex Laras, Vonalice Hoepers and Don Warlord.
Oct 02 2022, 00:04:33 CEST Killed at Level 84 by Milion Antica.

No auctions found.