offlineJab di hat
Character Information
Name Jab di hat
Title None (1 title unlocked)
Sex male
Vocation Sorcerer
Level 8
Achievements 0
World Antica
Residence Thais
Last Login Feb 09 2024, 02:45:33 CET
Account Status Free Account

Jab di hat advanced to level 8
Jab di hat advanced to level 7
Jab di hat advanced to level 6

Past Week
Past Month
Level Date Hour WeekDay
8 09 Apr 2022 CEST 04:06 Saturday
7 09 Apr 2022 CEST 04:02 Saturday
6 09 Apr 2022 CEST 03:56 Saturday

No world transfer found.

No name change found.

No deaths found.

No auctions found.