Character Information
Name Arsn
Title None (3 titles unlocked)
Sex male
Vocation Paladin
Level 52
Achievements 14
World Lobera
Residence Thais
Last Login Mar 30 2024, 04:02:22 CET
Account Status Free Account
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Arsn downgraded to level 52
Arsn was promoted to vocation Paladin

Past Week
Past Month
Level Date Hour WeekDay
52 30 Mar 2024 CET 19:13 Saturday

No world transfer found.

No name change found.
Date Death
Mar 30 2024, 04:11:18 CET Killed at Level 53 by Sakura Jizzy, Yorui Bitsu and Feetish.
Mar 30 2024, 03:23:49 CET Killed at Level 53 by Jhon Coonors, Bumblebeee and Yi Yith.
Jul 18 2023, 06:16:52 CEST Killed at Level 53 by Himiiko and Bosz Hunter.

No auctions found.