Character Information
Name Aelarion
Title None (7 titles unlocked)
Sex male
Vocation Sorcerer
Level 50
Achievements 7
World Guerribra
Residence Thais
Last Login Jun 24 2024, 22:08:44 CEST
Account Status Free Account

Aelarion was promoted to vocation Sorcerer
Aelarion was promoted to vocation Master Sorcerer
Aelarion transferred to the world Guerribra
Aelarion was promoted to vocation Sorcerer
Aelarion advanced to level 50
Aelarion downgraded to level 49
Aelarion advanced to level 50
Aelarion advanced to level 49
Aelarion downgraded to level 48
Aelarion downgraded to level 49
Aelarion advanced to level 50
Aelarion advanced to level 49
Aelarion advanced to level 48
Aelarion advanced to level 47
Aelarion downgraded to level 46
Aelarion downgraded to level 47
Aelarion downgraded to level 48
Aelarion downgraded to level 49
Aelarion advanced to level 50
Aelarion advanced to level 49

Past Week
Past Month
20 Apr 2024
Level Date Hour WeekDay
50 20 Jan 2023 CET 02:13 Friday
49 19 Jan 2023 CET 03:35 Thursday
50 04 Nov 2022 CET 17:03 Friday
49 02 Nov 2022 CET 22:46 Wednesday
48 13 Sep 2022 CEST 04:51 Tuesday
49 06 Sep 2022 CEST 20:02 Tuesday
50 30 Aug 2022 CEST 07:19 Tuesday
49 30 Aug 2022 CEST 07:13 Tuesday
48 30 Aug 2022 CEST 07:07 Tuesday
47 30 Aug 2022 CEST 07:01 Tuesday
46 30 Aug 2022 CEST 05:55 Tuesday
47 30 Aug 2022 CEST 05:08 Tuesday
48 24 Aug 2022 CEST 22:54 Wednesday
49 22 Aug 2022 CEST 20:21 Monday
50 16 Aug 2022 CEST 21:32 Tuesday
49 16 Aug 2022 CEST 21:26 Tuesday
48 16 Aug 2022 CEST 21:20 Tuesday
47 16 Aug 2022 CEST 04:31 Tuesday
48 31 Jul 2022 CEST 06:16 Sunday
49 22 Jul 2022 CEST 03:17 Friday
50 22 Jul 2022 CEST 03:05 Friday
51 21 Jul 2022 CEST 04:44 Thursday
53 17 Jul 2022 CEST 05:02 Sunday
54 14 Jul 2022 CEST 05:18 Thursday
56 11 Jul 2022 CEST 05:17 Monday
55 11 Jul 2022 CEST 05:12 Monday
54 11 Jul 2022 CEST 05:06 Monday
52 11 Jul 2022 CEST 04:18 Monday
51 11 Jul 2022 CEST 03:49 Monday
50 11 Jul 2022 CEST 03:43 Monday
49 11 Jul 2022 CEST 03:37 Monday
47 29 Jun 2022 CEST 20:34 Wednesday
48 22 Jun 2022 CEST 04:02 Wednesday
49 09 Jun 2022 CEST 22:12 Thursday
50 22 Sep 2021 CEST 04:54 Wednesday
From To Date Hour WeekDay
Nossobra Guerribra 29 Aug 2023 CEST 01:49 Tuesday

No name change found.
Date Death
Jan 19 2023, 03:32:06 CET Killed at Level 50 by Ryrox Poderosoo and Pavillhao Nove.
Oct 07 2022, 05:47:42 CEST Killed at Level 48 by Zlodziejaszek Xinix. Assisted by Zonatto paidobrn and Lipeh Pegoupk emthais.
Sep 11 2022, 06:50:19 CEST Killed at Level 49 by Arth Marshal. Assisted by Szymankowsczyn.
Sep 06 2022, 19:57:25 CEST Killed at Level 50 by Fawh, Azms Arbosson and Nosfe Fox.
Sep 02 2022, 05:11:00 CEST Killed at Level 50 by Aegonsz and Jun Von Borcke.
Aug 30 2022, 05:43:18 CEST Killed at Level 47 by Gran Borju and Diego Neutral. Assisted by Monster Walker and Gui Art.
Aug 29 2022, 03:45:23 CEST Slain at Level 48 by Divizonatto Um, Jah Hiidelux, Cap de Mort, Pileko is Back and Heizs Jogadorbarato.
Aug 24 2022, 22:49:06 CEST Killed at Level 49 by Epiliff and Bombeex. Assisted by Lins Nossobriana.
Aug 24 2022, 22:37:08 CEST Slain at Level 49 by Drop Housedown, Manckel Trollzin Poderoso, Cacique Nas Americas, Now Net, Chernobyl Itally, Ozgina Fikr and Affe Karaff. Assisted by Anciano Por Ley.
Aug 22 2022, 19:43:17 CEST Slain at Level 50 by Nabo Pune, Hohohoh Havoc, Thiaguiin Easy Win, Pavillhao Nove, Eyy mano, Danii Arabe, Pgmel seco and Mcclicia.
Aug 16 2022, 05:19:47 CEST Killed at Level 47 by Buja Bruxo, Spokjna Kuzka, Isyddias and Monkasnb.
Aug 16 2022, 03:37:43 CEST Killed at Level 48 by Semdoh, Sassa Poderoso and Bombeex. Assisted by Nosedu.
Jul 28 2022, 21:51:09 CEST Killed at Level 49 by Bagassaa Poderoso, Jerryzinhoo, Pileko is Back and Rafa Havoc. Assisted by Pablu.
Jul 26 2022, 06:29:52 CEST Died at Level 49 by demon skeleton.
Jul 22 2022, 03:08:11 CEST Killed at Level 50 by Epiliff, King Mendys and Demoniac Whisper.
Jul 22 2022, 02:56:35 CEST Crushed at Level 51 by Rallacki, Atena Poderosa, Nosio Poderoso, Viktor Kamikaze, Patox Serookar Comprooutro, Supreme Bomber, Markin Mataai Comprooutro, Demoniac Whisper, Wolfs Of Wallstreet and Poderosa Mumia.
Jul 21 2022, 04:45:33 CEST Slain at Level 51 by Star Piper Perri, Chutaram Me, Jaao do Pao, Angry Brat, Math Monstro, Abar Nanick, Senhor do Escuro, Belco Thaethrelb and Gran Borju. Assisted by Sabor Diferente.
Jul 21 2022, 04:40:42 CEST Killed at Level 52 by Nielios pusher and Guii avenger.
Jul 21 2022, 04:39:13 CEST Killed at Level 53 by Tama Kinakama, Nielios pusher and Guii avenger.
Jul 17 2022, 04:57:04 CEST Slain at Level 54 by Deco Amigodos Havoc, Dopantano, Nielios onnin, Junin poderoso, Uhttred Ragnarsson, King Kronez, Hadyfockss and Nazhoo Pedinho.
Jul 14 2022, 05:16:35 CEST Crushed at Level 54 by Brejinha Is Back, Misericordi, Monster Walker, Task de Fracassado, Tyna Ampla, Macumbeiro Novededos, Satine Dom, Linconlll Druids, Arth Marshal and Veni Vidi Vitty. Assisted by Delegado do tiibia.
Jul 14 2022, 05:14:08 CEST Killed at Level 55 by Ehra umavez, Biscoitin Pune, Jimmy Digdin and Veni Vidi Vitty.
Jul 14 2022, 05:12:14 CEST Killed at Level 56 by Ehra umavez, Dopantano, Satine Dom and Arth Marshal. Assisted by Thuhaz.
Jun 28 2022, 06:41:54 CEST Killed at Level 48 by Theuz em Nossobra, Monster Walker, Digozerah Ligopranada Sourico and Lord Of Magicsz.
Jun 22 2022, 04:00:39 CEST Slain at Level 49 by Willzin The Murderer, Gordiin Havoc, Aalian, Gordada Poderoso and Baruc De Spinoza. Assisted by Riel Uhko.
Jun 14 2022, 06:43:15 CEST Slain at Level 49 by Cria de macae, Waldson, Frinzys Dad, Lampiao Paulista, Cysne, Senhor Kaoi and Ratirina Assassina.
Jun 09 2022, 21:28:55 CEST Killed at Level 50 by Leth Revus, Guizera On Nossobra and Nielios openpvp.

No auctions found.