Welcome to TibiaVIP!

Today's boosted
Boosted Creature
Icecold Book
Boosted Boss
Unaz The Mean
Players Online 12,789 players now
Past 24 hours 192,876 players
Past Week 424,610 players
Past Month 702,910 players
Rookgaard Online 41 players now
Total Guilds 2,574 guilds
Past 24 hours (192,876 players)
Past Week (424,610 players)
Past Month (702,910 players)
Latest news
Transferring Houses: Find out which homes are being transferred/abandoned. See who the new owner will be and the negotiated value. Maybe you have a better offer.
Tracker Tools: Discover our new tracking tool that allows you to monitor all deaths, world transfers, name changes and deleted characters in real time!
Twitch Bot: have an exclusive bot with tibia's commands on your Twitch channel!
Lottery System: create your own fair and safe lotteries! Available to all registered users.

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